Course: History of Modern Missions

Section Three:  India, China, Africa

Lesson 6

Lesson Title:   Foreign Missions to India


Introduction:  Hindrances to Foreign Missions.

Reasons why foreign missions was not encouraged:

·        Prejudice – primitive people

·        Hardship – no security in foreign lands

·        Language – barrier of communication

·        Sickness and Death – climate, disease, unclean food and water.

·        Need to evangelise at home – many still to be reached in homelands.


Theological reasons opposing foreign mission work:

·        Hyper Calvinism – God is sovereign.  Salvation is God’s work and not the work of man. 


Introductory Story:  William Carey (1761-1834): the father of modern missions.

1792 Published book ‘An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians, to use means for the Conversion of the Heathens in which the Religious State of the Different Nations of the World, the Success of Former Undertakings, and the Practicability of Further Undertakings, are Considered.’


'An Enquiry' confronted the opposition to foreign missions.  It presented a clear argument for the church to be involved in world missions.  See outline in notes.



Main Points:

The Life and work of William Carey


1.      Background

·        Apprenticed as a shoemaker

·        In his teens he could read the Bible in six languages – English, Greek, Hebrew, Latin, French, and Dutch

·        Influenced by Captain James Cook voyages to the South Seas between 1768-1780.  William Carey began to think of foreign missions when reading Cook’s ‘voyages’.


·        1792 preached the message that expressed the character of his life - ‘Expect great things from God, Attempt t great things for God’.


·        1792 founded the English Baptist Missionary Society.




·        1793 went to India






2.      Missionary to India

·        British East India Company (founded 1600) – expansion of British trade.  Close association between trade and British Imperialism.



·        Pioneer missionary.

1793 Carey went to India with Thomas. 

British ship would not take them.

Carey and Thomas did not have documents to enter India. 

Due to delay Carey’s wife and family persuaded to travel with him.

Travelled by Danish ship to Calcutta. 

Let down on landing boat to avoid customs.


·        Difficulties in India.

Thomas was in debt – set up practice with mission funds.

Carey in financial trouble due to Thomas.

Wife became mentally ill in India.

Fire destroyed years of work.


3.      Achievements  (Serampore)

Pioneer in Bible translation - Thirty five different languages altogether.




·        Whole Bible in 6 languages. (Bengali, Oriya, Hindi, Marathi, Sanskrit, and Assamese)


  • New Testament

Punjabi - New Testament and Old Testament to Ezekiel 26

Pashto and Kashmiri – New Testament and Old Testament to 2 Kings

Telugu and Konkani – New Testament and Five Books of Moses

Nineteen other languages – New Testament


  • Five other languages – one or more of the Gospels


William Carey did not see great results in converts but he paved the way for evangelism in India.



4.      The Influence of William Carey

·        Adoniram and Ann Judson

Went as Congregational missionaries to India (1812)

On ship to India came to believe Baptist position scriptural. 

They were baptised on arrival in India by Carey's associate.

Lost support of Congregational Church (1812)

Ordered by East India Company to leave India. Moved to Burma (1813)

Anglo-Burmese War - Imprisoned 21 months (1824-5)

Ann died (1826)



·        In 1814 'The General Convention of the Baptist Denomination in the United States for Foreign Missions' founded initially to support the work of Adoniram Judson.


·        In 1834 Adoniram completed the Burmese translation of the Bible.

He compiled the first Burmese-English Dictionary








The Pietists and Moravians established missions long before William Carey. But he is called ‘the father of modern missions’ because he brought a new awareness into the Protestant evangelical Church of the need for foreign missions.

1)     Carey was a pioneer in the founding of a Baptist mission society:

2)     He was a pioneer missionary to India

3)     He was a pioneer in Bible translation in India






In which the religious state of the different nations of the  world, the success of former undertakings, and the practicability of further undertakings, are considered.

By William Carey.

Section One:  An Enquiry Whether the Commission given by our Lord to his Disciples be not Still Binding on us.

Section Two: Containing a Short Review of Former Undertakings for the Conversion of the Heathen.

Section Three:  Containing a Survey of the Present State of the World.

Section Four:  The Practicability of Something Being Done, More Than What is Done, for the Conversion of the Heathen.

Section Five:  An Enquiry into the Duty of Christians in General, and What Means Ought to be Used, in Order to Promote This Work.