Course:  World Religions, Cults and Heresies

Section Two  Cults and Heresies

Lesson Six


Title:  Mormonism (Utah, Salt Lake City)


Text:  'Christ in you, the hope of glory' Colossians 1:27.


Theme:  The Temple of the Holy Spirit is not a building made by man in Utah or anywhere else.  The dwelling place of God is in the hearts and lives of His people.


Introduction:  Carnality is drawn to the Old Testament rather than the New Testament.  

Three teachings that developed in the 19th century are closely associated with Old Testament teaching.

In this regard Old Testament teaching is used in opposition to New Testament Christianity.

  1. Jehovah's Witnesses use the name Jehovah from the Old Testament to oppose the deity of Jesus Christ in the New Testament.
  2. Seventh Day Adventists use the Old Testament teaching of the Sabbath to oppose the New Testament teaching that the Sabbath rest was fulfilled through Christ.
  3. Mormons follow occultist teaching linked with a perverted form of Old Testament themes. 
    • Israelites - The myth that a Jewish diaspora emigrated to America;
    • Temple - The development of temple worship linked to a mystery religion, and
    • Priesthood – Mormons adhere to a priestly form of religion which they associate with the Aaronic and Melchisedek priesthoods.  This teaching stands in opposition to the New Testament teaching that God now dwells in the hearts and lives of His people.


Introductory Story:  Joseph Smith and the occult practice of ‘seer stones’

Joseph Smith practiced divining with ‘seer stones’ using a white top hat.  He would see reflections in the hat that directed him in ‘treasure seeking’.

Smiths association with ‘necromancy’ and ‘treasure hunting’ is dominant in the formation of Mormonism.

The angel Moroni revealed to him where two golden plates had been buried.

Moroni was supposedly the son of the prophet Mormon who died in 385AD.

Joseph Smith supposedly used seer stones to translate the Book of Mormon from ancient script.

This is occultism and has nothing to do with Christianity.


Paul’s words to the Galatians are directly applicable to Mormonism.

Galatians 1:8,  ‘But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.’



Contrast between Mormons and born again Christians.

Jesus said ‘by their fruits you shall know them’  Matthew 7:20.

Mormons   known by outward appearance.

Born again Christians – known by new life in Christ


1)  Mormons build large expensive buildings in poor countries like the Philippine Islands.  Mormons have spent much money building large buildings that stand in dark contrast to the poverty many encounter in the community.  In church history the development of Basilica’s and large temple style buildings were a product of apostasy.  It has nothing to do with New Testament Christianity.

True Christianity does not stand outside a community but works within the community among the people. 


2)  The outward appearance of Mormon missionaries reflects the formality of a religion without Christ.  Mormon missionaries walk in two’s wearing a white shirt and a black badge.  They are easily identified by their outward appearance, but a true believer in Christ is not recognised by a badge or by outward clothes but by the life of Christ dwelling in him or her.

The true believer in Christ is seen by peace; love; truth; and joy

  1. Peace will be their guide;  Colossians 3:15  'And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also you are called in one body; and be thankful'.
  2. Love will be their way;  John 13:34  'A new commandment I give unto you, That you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.'
  3. Truth will be their path.  3 John 3  'For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, even as you walk in the truth.'
  4. Joy will express their outward character.  Psalms 104:15  'And wine that makes glad the heart of man, and oil to make his face to shine, and bread which strengthens man’s heart.' True Christianity is not manufactured.  It is the oil of the Holy Ghost that makes the face to shine and the new wine of the Holy Ghost that makes the hearts rejoice.



Main Points:

  1. The Origins of Mormonism                                                                  


Timeline of the life of Joseph Smith (1805-1844).

The Book of Mormon (1830)                                                              

What is the message of the Book of Mormon?                                                    

  • 'An account of the former inhabitants of this (American) continent'.  Two waves of migrants built a large and prosperous civilization.

First migration c.2200 BC (Tower of Babel)  - The Jaredites - became extinct. 

Later migration  of Lehi and his family from Jerusalem (600BC) –  Two sons of LehiLaman and Nephi.  

Lamanites forsake the Lord.  Nephites upheld the law but became apostate.

Lamanite race associated with the Native Americans.

Final battle: Lamanites fought Nephites, over 230,000 Nephites killed at Hill Cumorah. (c.385 AD). 

The Nephite Prophet Mormon is also killed.

  • account of a visit by Jesus Christ to America after his ascension.
  • documents written by prophets collected and abridged by the prophet Mormon.

Claim of Joseph Smith

Founder of Mormonism: Joseph Smith (1805-1844) claimed he was shown by the angel Moroni  where he could find a book of two golden plates.  Moroni was the son of Mormon.  He died in 421 AD.

Joseph Smith claimed he discovered the plates buried in the Hill Cumorah in Western New York State. 

The writings on the gold plates were in ancient script.

He claimed that he was able to decipher the ancient script by ‘the power of God’. 

He used the same practice that he had used in treasure seeking - divining with ‘seer stones’

One seer stone in a white top hat giving reflections, and two seer stones were made into spectacles which he called the Urim and Thummim.

High possibility of deception

The possibility that Joseph Smith was being deceptive is very high. 

Joseph Smith dictated the translation from behind a curtain.

Three witnesses gave written testimony that they had seen the plates and heard the voice of God testifying to them. 

The testimony of these witnesses is unsubstantiated and unreliable.

The plates then supposedly disappeared.

Book of Mormon has no relevance to the New Testament

Even if the Book of Mormon was historically accurate it has no relevance to New Testament Christianity. 


a)   The spread of the lost tribes of Israel has no relevance in New Testament Christianity - there is neither Jew nor Gentile in Christ.  'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'  (Galatians 3:28)


b)   The building of temple's made by hand has no relevance to New Testament Christianity - the temple of the Holy Spirit is the living body of Christ.  'If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.' (1 Corinthians 3:17)


c)   Joseph Smith claimed to use the Urim and Thummim to translate the Book of Mormon.  The Urim and the Thummim were on the heart of the High Priest so that he could use them to make judgements in a particular situation or circumstance.   But now believers in Christ are indwelt by the Holy Spirit. 'This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them;' (Hebrews 10:16). 


d)   The building of a literal city of Zion on earth has no relevance to New Testament Christianity - the book of Hebrews tells us that believers in Christ have already come to the heavenly Jerusalem.   'But you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,' (Hebrews 12 22).


Timeline of the life of Brigham Young (1801-1877)


2.      Mormonism and the Bible:

a)  Mormons claim that the canon of scripture did not close with Bible:

The Mormon 9th Article of Faith teaches that revelation is continuous.  

‘We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God.’


Mormons hold to ‘continuous revelation’.  This means the inspired word of a Prophet in the Mormon Church today  can have the same authority as scripture.


New Testament Christianity:

(1)  Scripture is complete                                                               

The canon is closed because the message of the Bible is complete. 

The message of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation is one message: Redemption. 

It is the message of how mankind fell and how God has provided the way of redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ. 

New Testament Christianity can be understood in simple terms; 'Christ in you, the hope of glory'.  (Colossians 1:27). 

Christ now dwells in the lives of those who have received the gift of eternal life through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ. I Corinthians 5:17 'If any man be in Christ he is a new creation'.



b)  The authority of scripture is diminished by the Mormon claim that all translations are unreliable.   

Mormons believe the Bible in its original form is the Word of God, but hold that there is no absolutely reliable translation.


Mormon Articles of Faith, Article 8

‘We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God. ‘    


The Book of Mormon states:

'thou seest the formation of that great and abominable church, which is most abominable above all other churches; for behold they have taken away from the gospel of the Lamb many parts which are plain and most precious; and also many covenants of the Lord have they taken away.'  (1 Nephi 13:26)


Mormons quote scriptures but when the scripture contradicts Mormon teaching they refer to Article 8 claiming all translations of the Bible are unreliable.

Orson Pratt  'Who knows that even one verse of the whole Bible has escaped pollution, so as to convey the same sense now that it did in the original'.



Early New Testament manuscripts verify the accuracy of the New Testament and its central message.

See course on Church History. New Testament Manuscripts


Archaeology - Dead Sea Scrolls have revealed the accuracy of the Old Testament scriptures. 

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 has shown that only minor differences have occurred in the copying of Old Testament texts over a period of 1000 years. 



  1. The teaching of Mormonism

Additional Mormon scriptures are: The Book of Commandments and The Doctrine and Covenants (1833); and The Pearl of Great Price (1851). 

Mormon doctrine is derived from these books.


(1)  Mormonism teaches that salvation is through faith plus obedience to laws.  3rd Article of the Mormon Faith:  'We believe that through the Atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinances of the Gospel'.


New Testament Christianity:  The Bible states that justification is through faith alone in the atonement of Christ :

Romans 3:24-28  '...A man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law'


(2)  Mormonism teaches the doctrine of eternal progression. 

Lorenzo Snow (1814-1901)  former President and Prophet of the Mormon Church.

'As man now is, our God once was; as now God is, so man may be.'  (1840)

a)   God was once a man

b)   He learnt to be a god.

c)   All Mormon men are planning to become gods.


This Mormon teaching reminds us of the lie of the serpent ‘you shall be as gods’ Genesis 3:5


New Testament Christianity:  The Bible teaches the immutability of God.  God never changes.

Hebrews 13:8 'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever'.  The name Jehovah 'I AM THAT I AM' refers to His unchanging nature and character.


New Testament Christianity:  Romans 8:15-16, ‘For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

The Spirit itself bears witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:’

The born again Christian does not become a god but we are born into the family of God.

In the Old Testament those who represented God as judges were called by the name of ‘Elohim’. 


(3)  Mormonism teaches that Jesus Christ was pre-existent and the firstborn of God's spirit children.

Mormon doctrine regards all humans as being pre-existent spirit children of God. 


In 1909 the doctrine was expressed in a First presidency message:

Jesus, however, is the firstborn among all the sons of God—the first begotten in the spirit, and the only begotten in the flesh. He is our elder brother, and we, like Him, are in the image of God. All men and women are in the similitude of the universal Father and Mother and are literally the sons and daughters of Deity.

The message bears the names of Joseph F. Smith; John R. Winder; Anthon H. Lund


Brigham Young's 'Adam was God the Father' teaching was declared as false doctrine by Spencer W.Kimball (12th Prophet and President).

According to Brigham Young

Adam was God the Father and began producing earthly bodies for spirit children.


New Testament Christianity:  The Bible states  'Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever'. (Hebrews 13:8).  

Only begotten Son does not mean begotten as in through sexual relations, it means only begotten in His relationship with the Father.  He is the eternal Son of God. 

The creation of human beings, body, soul and spirit, is seen in  Genesis 2:7, 'And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground (body), and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (spirit); and man became a living soul (soul).'  


(4)   Mormonism teaches that God the Father and God the Son have physical bodies and cannot dwell in us.  

(Deeds and Covenants 130:22) ‘The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit. Were it not so, the Holy Ghost could not dwell in us.


New Testament Christianity:  The Bible states that  'God is Spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth'.  (John 4:24).

The Holy Spirit is called ‘the Spirit of Christ’

Romans 8:9, ‘But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.’

The Gospel is summed up by Paul as ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27).


(5)  Mormonism teaches that baptism is essential for salvation:

Obedience includes baptism, which is essential for salvation.  Those who have died without baptism, and who would have accepted the Gospel if they had heard it, can be baptised vicariously - see  1 Corinthians 15:29, 'Else what shall they do which are baptized for the dead, if the dead rise not at all? why are they then baptized for the dead?'


Mormon teaching regarding baptism for the dead takes scripture out of context. 

1 Corinthians 15:29  does not refer to some ritual practice of baptising on behalf of dead people, the Bible states after death comes the judgement (Hebrews 9:27).  The context relates to the resurrection of Christ.  1 Corinthians 15:14, 'If Christ be not risen' - baptism into Christ is useless if Christ is not risen from the dead (note also that this concerns baptism into the body of Christ not water baptism). 


New Testament Christianity:  Baptism is for believers.  It is a personal confession of faith in Jesus Christ. 

See teaching on Baptism in the New Testament


Baptism by total immersion in water is ‘an outward witness to an inward work’.

The Bible teaches that baptism does not save but is an outward witness to salvation already received. 


(6)  Mormonism teaches that Zion is to be built in America for the lost tribes of Israel.  

Mormons believe that the lost tribes are being gathered to Salt Lake City.


New Testament Christianity:  The Bible states all believers have already come to Zion.  Zion is not a geographical location but 'the dwelling place of God'.  Hebrews 12:22-24  'But you are come unto mount Zion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels,  To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,  And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaks better things than that of Abel.'

The dispersion of the lost tribes has no relevance to New Testament Christianity.  Galatians 3:28,  'There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus.'



4.  Mormonism is a Mystery Religion.

Joseph Smith was a freemason.

The Mason Lodge in Nauvoo, Illinois was founded by Mormon members.

Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum became members of the lodge.

Joseph Smith became a Master Mason in 1842.

Masonry – is a secret society that associates its rituals with Solomon’s Temple. 

Masons claim to be non religious but display all the characteristics of a ‘mystery religion’.

The link between Mormonism and Masonry is obvious.


Temple Mormons are given deeper revelation into the mysteries.

Mormonism is a mystery religion that is associated with the ideas of freemasonry and occultism.

The origin of mystery religions is from Babylon at the time of Nimrod, Genesis 10:8-9.

 Roman Catholicism; Hinduism; Buddhism; Islam have similar practices that are derived from the mystery religions of ancient Babylon.


Jesus did not come to make us religious. 

He came that we might have life and life more abundantly, John 10:10.




1)     Even if the Book of Mormon was historically accurate it has no relevance to New Testament Christianity.  There is no distinction between Jew and Gentile; the Temple of the Holy Spirit is in the hearts and lives of His people; and Zion is the dwelling place of God and has no geographical location.

2)     The Mormon claim that all translations are unreliable is a false claim because the Bible has one message: Redemption through the Lord Jesus Christ.  Rejection of the Bible as the inspired word of God is to reject the message of redemption through faith in Jesus Christ alone.  Archaeology has also proved the Mormon claim to be false.  The Dead Sea Scrolls have revealed that the copying of scripture has been done with extreme care and only minor differences are apparant in copy's made 1000 years apart.

3)     The teaching of Mormonism is directly opposed to New Testament Christianity. 

4)     Mormonism and Freemasonry are closely related – Freemasonry is a secret society and Mormonism is a mystery religion but their close relation is obvious.



Points to consider:

a)     Mormonism is based upon the teachings of unreliable witnesses.

b)     It is a mystery religion - Mormons are initiated into deeper teaching in the Mormon Temple.

c)      It baptises on behalf of the dead.  The Bible states that after death comes the judgement. 

d)     Mormons build big expensive buildings in poor areas, which bear no relationship with the community.  True Christianity relates to the needs of the local people.

e)     Mormon's have a two tier priesthood 'Aaronic (secular) and Melchisedek (spiritual)'.  In the New Testament all believers are priests - the Aaronic priesthood was done away with in Christ and Melchisedek priesthood is fulfilled in Christ who lives forever to make intercession for us.           

f)        Mormonism is built upon the belief that the lost tribes of Israel went to the USA; that Jesus visited the USA after His ascension; and that through the Mormon Church Zion is being built in the USA.  New Testament Christianity - there is neither Jew nor Gentile but all are one in Christ Jesus; Jesus will return again and every eye will see Him.  



To study issues concerning Mormonism in more detail go to this website:  Utah Lighthouse Ministry


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